Rashes Dermatitis

Rashes Dermatitis

Soothe your Rashes & Skin Conditions

At Allergy, Asthma & Sinus Center in Hillsborough, New Jersey, we offer a number of treatment options for those dealing with rashes and other skin conditions. If you are living with dermatitis, do not hesitate to call us for guidance.

Contact Dermatitis Issues

Contact dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin caused by direct contact with an irritating or allergy-causing substance (irritant or allergen). Reactions may vary in the same person over time. A history of any type of allergies increases the risk for this condition.

Irritant dermatitis, the most common type of contact dermatitis, involves inflammation resulting from contact with acids, alkaline materials such as soaps and detergents, solvents, or other chemicals. The reaction usually resembles a burn.

Allergic contact dermatitis, the second most common type of contact dermatitis, is caused by exposure to a substance or material to which you have become extra sensitive or allergic. The allergic reaction is often delayed, with the rash appearing 24-48 hours after exposure. The skin inflammation varies from mild irritation and redness to open sores, depending on the type of irritant, the body part affected, and your sensitivity.

Side Effects to Medications

Most people have probably experienced an unwanted side effect to a medicine at some time in their lives. Many drugs commonly cause side effects, such as an upset stomach after taking aspirin or drowsiness after taking a cold medication. Adverse [drug allergies] link to drug allergies also can be quite serious; they account for an estimated 106,000 deaths each year in the United States. As more medications are approved each year, the problem is expected to grow.

Overtreatment dermatitis is a form of contact dermatitis that occurs when treatment for another skin disorder causes irritation. Common allergens associated with contact dermatitis include:

  • Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, & Poison Sumac
  • Other Plants
  • Nickel or Other Metals
  • Medications
  • Antibiotics, Especially Those Applied to the Surface of the Skin (Topical)
  • Topical Anesthetics
  • Other Medications
  • Rubber
  • Cosmetics
  • Fabrics & Clothing
  • Detergents
  • Solvents
  • Adhesives
  • Fragrances & Perfumes
  • Other Chemicals & Substances

Common Reactions to Substances

Contact dermatitis may involve a reaction to a substance that you are exposed to, or use repeatedly. Although there may be no initial reaction, regular use (for example, nail polish remover, preservatives in contact lens solutions, or repeated contact with metals in earring posts and the metal backs of watches) can eventually cause sensitivity and reaction to the product.

Some products cause a reaction only when they contact the skin and are exposed to sunlight (photosensitivity). These include shaving lotions, sunscreens, sulfa ointments, some perfumes, coal tar products, and oil from the skin of a lime. A few airborne allergens, such as ragweed or insecticide spray, can cause contact dermatitis. Common signs of this condition include:

  • Itching (Pruritus) of the Skin in Exposed Areas
  • Skin Redness or Inflammation in the Exposed Area
  • Tenderness of the Skin in the Exposed Area
  • Localized Swelling of the Skin
  • Warmth of the Exposed Area (May Occur)
  • Skin Lesion or Rash at the Site of Exposure
  • Lesions of Any Type: Redness, Rash, Papules (Pimple-Like), Vesicles, & Bullae (Blisters)
  • May Involve Oozing, Draining, or Crusting
  • May Become Scaly, Raw, or Thickened

Contact us to learn more about the causes of your rashes. We perform dermatitis treatments for patients throughout Bridgewater, Clinton, and Hillsborough, New Jersey.